Registration Deadline July 8th

Time seems to fly faster and faster in this rush, rush, world we live in. August is just around the corner.
As summer comes to a close, and the hustle of settling into school and the flow of work, school, and home life, fall into a somewhat routine, we can all use a time for detox, re-energizing. A time to settle down for a bit and reflect, listen to God, and re-center on what really matters.
A time to get away from it all and spend some time in a quiet, beautiful place, with Jesus.
"And after six days, Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves..." Mark 9:2
The Retreat will start Friday evening and wrap up on Sunday afternoon.
See more details in the Retreats drop-down menu or follow the links below.
Families, youth, single, married, all are welcome. If your child is able to listen and participate in discussions, bring them along.
We are running a fundraiser to help registered parents with registration for youth.
Blogs are the best place to keep up with how things are progressing. Add your email when the pop up shows up to receive notifications when new blogs are posted.
The facility is amazing. The rooms have a double size bed, bunk-beds, and full bathroom. Fully furnished with sheets, blankets and towels. If you want to share a room with friends, please let us know.
The road is a dirt road. It is well maintained. I've been up there a few times and have not used 4 wheel drive.
RVs are welcome. For larger RVs, we recommend taking a drive to see it for yourself. For more information please call 505-321-5879
This is getting more exciting by the day!
The following links are helpful for specific topics: