Have you felt overwhelmed, too busy, unsettled, or anxious, lately?
There is so much going on!
All the more reason why it's important to STOP and evaluate, observe, breathe, ponder, and process, most importantly, spend time with God.
There's nothing like a mountaintop experience to help us put things in perspective. It's no wonder Jesus went up the mountain to pray!
God knows how to reach us for sure. We are all different, right. God teaches us in different ways.
For me, it's the mountains for sure. It's like I go through withdrawal without it. Then I have to go for my "mountain fix". 👍🏼😁🙏🏼
Needless to say, I got my "fix". So heads up! Be ware! 😄
I can feel the juices flowing. God is doing it again!
For starters, we are planning the Lenten Retreat Series for the 6 Thursdays after Ash Wednesday. We are planning to offer it in person in various locations and online!
Stay tuned! More info to follow soon.
It's exciting to see what God does with this on the special Jubilee Year, don't you think?