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Holy Saturday and Easter Vigil

Writer's picture: Geri SalazarGeri Salazar

Jesus on the cross lays on the alter as we go for morning prayer on Holy Saturday.

Holy Saturday is a day of waiting. Jesus died and was buried on Good Friday.

Can you imagine what it must have felt like for the apostles? They still didn't really understand that he would rise from the dead in 3 days.

They see Jesus perform miracles beyond belief. They come to know and believe in Him. They believe He is the long awaited Messiah. They believe He IS the Son of God.

Yet, he was hung on a cross and died. What??????

Can you imagine what went through their heads when Mary Magdalene comes to announce that she saw Him and that He is alive!?

Just place yourself in their shoes for a minute...

Then we have the Easter Vigil which is the most beautiful celebration of the Most Important Celebration of the Year!! Christ comes back to life!!!!

We went into Punta Gorda for the Easter Vigil Mass. Below is a short clip of Fr. Matt outside.

The church was lit by candles until the first 3 readings were proclaimed.

Singing the Gloria!

People went up to the front of the church to pray after mass was finished.

We were invited to the hall for some tamales, watermelon, and cupcakes. I'm not sure what the drink was but it was good. Some type of fruit juice.

The sisters invited the Jesuit Priests, and a few guests to the convent for Easter Lunch. Before we left to the Easter Vigil, there were some preparations. The Lamb cake needed to be set up along with some candy.

The table was dressed up with fresh flowers, nice plates, glasses and Easter decor to include flower arrangements with fresh flowers from the yard.

All set for Easter Sunday Lunch!

So far the plan for Easter Sunday is to go with Fr. Aric to San Vicente which is close to the Guatemala Boarder to celebrate 8:00 a.m. mass. That means Fr. Aric with pick me up around 6 a.m.

Then, God willing, we will return to Nazareth on time for Fr. Aric to con-celebrate Easter Mass at 11:00 a.m. then lunch.



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